A psychological thriller adapted by Virginie Visconti and Didier van Cauwelaert based on the novella Attirances written by Didier van Cauwelaert.
Jef Elias is a young painter unknown to the media until the day he confesses to having murdered two women.
Since Cécile and Rebecca posed for him, they have disappeared without a trace.
Is Jef a pathological liar? A wicked, devilish pervert? An innocent man haunted by a secret that obsesses him?
Without material proof of the crimes, Delphine, the investigating judge in charge of his case, has decided to enlist Charlie’s help, a young woman sometimes used for her medium skills by the police to locate corpses.
From then on, Delphine’s rational and reasonable view of life starts to fall apart. And Charlie becomes soon aware of a secret that threatens them…
« Inextricable labyrinths inhabited by terrifying illusions. A delight! »
Le Nouvel Observateur
« With his verve, power and humor, Didier van Cauwelaert turns the ordinary into the extraordinary. Superb! »
Le Figaro